Classifying living things!!!

Hello students!!!

As the lockdown is going to take a while we need to keep on moving with our classes.

I would really like to be with you at school, but it is not possible by now.

Anyway, we can continue with the science book and also with a video that is going to help you . Also, if you have any problem with the understanding, please do not hesitate to contact me.

You  have all the information you need  in the science book.
Pages from 38 - 45

In order to understand how scientists classify the living things and why we need to classify them, I recommend you this video:

For this project I would like you to make a big poster introducing the 5 kingdoms

You can use  cardboard, some white papers together, etc...
You need to answer these questions in each kingdom (remember that I really like your words, I do not want you to copy anything, I want you to explain yourself)

1.- What is a kingdom? (plant kingdom/fungi Kingdom/ animal kingdom/ protista and monera kingdom)

2.- What are the main characteristics of each Kingdom? (Write 2 or 3 of them)

3.- Write  and draw some examples of organisms in each Kingdom (2 or 3)

4.- Interesting facts: Tell me something that you did not know before the project and now you do know

In order to do the project, you have two possibilities: You can choose ONE of them:

A) you can Write the information down in the poster 

B) and this is not compulsory You can record a video introducing  your presentation and them send it to me .

 Do not forget to write your name on the email, otherwise I do not know who you are

deadline: 30th April 

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