Investigation for the Isolation!!

Dear students, 

During these two weeks of isolation we need to keep on studying science!!
and of course....
we need to keep on investigating!!

I suggest.... to investigate why  we need to wash our hands with water and soap
instead of water only.

Do not forget to follow the scientific method:

step 1: Ask a question. 
Why are you doing this experiment?
What do you need to investigate?

step 2Hypothesis :This is an idea of what
you think it might happens.
All of them are correct. ALWAYS
You can write as many as you like

step 3: Materials

step 4: Conduct the experiment .
Explain how are you going to do the
“ I introduce one piece of bread in a
zip plastic bag……..etc.”

step 5: Results:  analyse the result
during the experiment in a table of contents. 

step 6: Conclusion: Answer the  previous
question (step 1) Check if your hypothesis
was correct or not. What have you learnt
after the experiment that you didn´t know
before the project?

During the last week you have always heard about how important it is to wash your hands especially
now. But just because your hands look clean, does that mean they really are?


- Start with four pieces of bread

- The first piece of bread will be your “control”, which you will place in a zip plastic bag, using gloves.
Do not touch it with your bare hands!!  ( “Control” is something that is used for a comparison to check
the results of the experiment).

- The second piece of bread will be the one you touch with dirty hands. Make sure you do not wash
your hands for a while before you touch this piece of bread, and by all means..... touch the bread
all over with your hands!!!!

- The third piece of bread is the one you wipe all over the keyboard of your computer. 

- The last piece of bread will be the one you touch after you have thoroughly washed your hands.

  In this photo you only have 3 zip
plastic bags, but remember that you
are going to need four:

1 plastic bag for Control

 1 plastic bag for Dirty hands

1 plastic bags for Wiped on the

1 plastic bag for Clean hands

 You will  need to carry out the experiment for at least 7 to 10 days. So this could be an example
of  the table of contents you will need to use:

day 1
day 2 
day 3
day 4
day 5
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
day 6
day 7
day 8
day 9
day 10
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day
analyse the
results of the day

In order to do the experiment, you can use your science notebook, a white piece of paper or
a cardboard. Whatever is easier for you. 

Good Luck and enjoy the results!!!

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